Welcome to St John Fisher RC Primary School PTA page

We are passionate about our school and helping the children be the best they can be. Over the years we have raised money to help the school in numerous ways. All our parents, carers, guardians and staff are automatically members of St John Fisher PTA and are always welcome to attend meetings.

We raise money through fun events and initiatives but are always looking for new fundraising ideas and opportunities.

The St John Fisher Parent Teacher Association (PTA) is simply a group of parents and teachers who meet from time to time to arrange fundraising events which benefit pupils, parents and staff at St John Fisher RC Primary School.


The PTA spends its money to enrich the children’s education.

Over the years we have contributed towards / purchased:

  • Subsidised school trips
  • Outdoor play equipment in EYFS


This Year’s Projects

This year’s project is to fund additional outdoor equipment for the Key Stage 1 playground.


The PTA Committee

The current Members of the PTA are:-

Chair                     Joanne O’Grady 

Vice Chair            Rebecca Woodcock

Treasurer            Zoe Wells 

Secretary             Nina Peplow

Staff Representatives â€“ Mandy Harris, Rob Tanti & Jack Harford

If you have any questions, you can talk to any PTA Committee member or email us at pta@st-johnfisher.tameside.sch.uk



We always have lots of exciting news and events happening!

Please see below for what's coming up in the future.

This year we have some fantastic plans in the works, including:

  • Day of the Dead Disco
  • Christmas Gifts for Adults
  • Santa Dash
  • Raffles and Carols event
  • Chocolate Bingo

We will be arranging an exciting fundraising event later on this year, so watch this space!

If you have read this and like what we do, join the PTA!  We are a really friendly group of people who would appreciate more supporters however much time you are able to commit.


Thank you!

A huge thank you to the following for their generous donations

Experience Days for donating a £50 voucher to raffle https://www.experiencedays.co.uk/charity-scheme

Morrisons, Denton for donating a hamper for fundraising on behalf of Shine Charity who provide support for spina bifida.


Ways to be Involved!

There are lots of ways to be involved with the PTA! Here are just a few:

  • Be a volunteer! We always need help at events, running stalls, organising food, drinks and fun!
  • Come along to the PTA meetings (the Headteachers newsletter will include the dates)
  • Join the PTA WhatsApp group (ask the school office to add you)
  • Use your skills! Everyone has a way to contribute, be it helping us find gifts or prizes, or digging the veggie patch – we need everyone!
  • Send us your thoughts and ideas of events and activities we could put on! (email pta@st-johnfisher.tameside.sch.uk, or drop a note into the school office)
  • Donate some money! E-mail us if you'd like to donate to a specific cause or just to help

Can't partake, but do shop online?  


Code of Conduct

The PTA is an important part of the school and we make a valuable contribution both financially and in terms of time invested by parent, staff and friends. Much of what we do is organised through the PTA WhatsApp group, the school Facebook page or the Headteachers newsletter. We have a Code of Conduct that we expect everyone to agree to. It protects and respects everybody.

The PTA Code of Conduct

  • Any parent or guardian of a pupil attending the school can volunteer to become a member of the PTA with the vested interest in enhancing the school for all pupils
  • All members work is voluntary and for no personal gain
  • All members will act in the best interest of the school
  • All members will be encouraged to make relevant and positive contributions to meetings they attend
  • All members have the right to be heard and must respect other member's opinions
  • All members have the right to communicate together responsibly. Consideration must be used when using social media or in a public place
  • All members must ensure that any material or discussion of a confidential nature, especially matters concerning individual staff, pupils or parents/guardians, is confined to the meeting and not shared on any social networking site
  • All members must respect staff and pupils privacy whilst carrying out PTA activities during school time
  • All members will respect the Committee’s decisions, even those that they do not personally agree with
  • The Committee should be made aware of any conflict of interest and the person involved should withdraw from any discussion pertaining to that subject
  • All members must respect the school and personal property
  • All members have a Duty of Care to keep themselves and any PTA function attendees safe. Any safety concerns must be raised immediately with the senior member of staff attending the PTA function
  • Any members attending a PTA function with their children are expected to assume responsibility for their children's behaviour and safety
  • All paperwork and assets relating to the PTA is the property of either the PTA or the school and not that of the individual. When leaving the PTA a Member should return any relevant paperwork or assets to the PTA Committee.