Committees and Interests
Name: Claire Higgins
Category of Governor: Chair Of Govenors / Local Authority
Committees: FGB
Business Interests: None
Financial Interests: None
Governance roles in other schools: None
GID: 1451219
Appointed by: Local Authority
From: 21/03/2023
To: 20/03/2027
Name: Fr Joe Gee
Category of Governor: Foundation
Committees: None
Business Interests: None
Financial Interests: None
Governance roles in other schools: St Thomas More RC High School
Appointed by: Diocese
From: 01/11/2022
Name: Donal Townson
Category of Governor: Foundation
Committees: Curriculum & Well-being
Business Interests: None
Financial Interests: None
Governance roles in other schools: None
GID: 1416161
Appointed by: Diocese
From: 2/10/2023
To: 1/10/2027
Name: Niall Johnson
Category of Governor: Foundation
Committees: FGB
Business Interests:
Financial Interests:
Governance roles in other schools:
GID: 1516083
Appointed by: Diocese
From: 08/04/2021
To: 07/04/2025
Name: Lindsey Hamnett
Category of Governor: Foundation
Committees: FGB
Business Interests: Financial Interests: None
Governance roles in other schools: None
GID: 1468559
Appointed by: Diocese
From: 28/09/2020
To: 27/09/2024
Name: Luke Nolan
Category of Governor: Parent
Committees: FGB
Business Interests: None
Financial Interests: None
Governance roles in other schools: None
GID: 1590896
Appointed by: Parent Election
From: 31/01/2022
To: 30/01/2026
Name: Jessica Johnson
Category of Governor: Parent
Committees: FGB
Business Interests: None
Financial Interests: None
Governance roles in other schools: None
GID: 1665483
Appointed by: Parent Election
From: 03/04/2023
To: 02/04/2027
Name: Mandy Harris
Category of Governor: Headteacher
Committees: FGB
Business Interests: None
Financial Interests: None
Governance roles in other schools: None
GID: 1516086
Appointed by: Governors
From: 3/09/2018
Name: Emma Shaw
Category of Governor: Staff
Committees: FGB
Business Interests:
Financial Interests:
Governance roles in other schools:
GID: 1600350
Appointed by: Staff Election
From: 25/03/2022
To: 24/03/2026