Governors Meeting and Attendance 2020 - 2021
The Chair of Governors and Vice Chair attend regular fortnightly meetings as part of the COVID Committee, with the Headteacher Notes are taken and information shared with all governors.
Additional Meetings and Visits Attended by Donal Townson (Chair of Governors):
September 2020
Virtual Chairs' & Vice-Chairs' Briefing LA
Virtual Children's Scrutiny Working Group
Virtual School's Forum meeting
Virtual Covid-19 sub-committee meeting
October 2020
Virtual Covid-19 sub-committee meeting x 2
November 2020
Virtual Chairs' & Vice-Chairs' Briefing
Virtual Covid-19 sub-committee meeting x 2
Headteacher's Appraisal
Virtual School's Forum meeting
December 2020
Diocesan virtual Heads' & Chairs' Update Meeting
Virtual Covid-19 sub-committee meeting
Jan 2021
Virtual Schools' Forum meeting
Virtual Chairs' & Vice-Chairs' Briefing LA
LA Governors' Finance Training x 2
Governor Development Programme Introduction
by the Alliance for Leading Learning
Virtual Covid-19 sub-committee meeting x2
Feb 2021
Governor Development Programme
The Challenge of Leadership
by the Alliance for Leading Learning
LA Children's Scrutiny Working Group
Governor Development Programme
Educational Improvements
by the Alliance for Leading Learning
Virtual Covid-19 sub-committee meeting x2
Additional Meetings Attended by Nicola Duffy
Webinar for Governors from Oldham Sixth Form - Navigating the Disruption 28/09/2020
Tameside Safeguarding Training 02/12/2020
Tameside Health and Safety Training 16/12/2020
Tameside Finance Training 21 + 26/01/2020
Termly meetings with the SBM to look at payroll and bank reconciliation
Governor Meetings and Attendance 2019 - 2020
The Chair of Governors and Vice Chair attend regular fortnightly meetings as part of the COVID Committee, with the Headteacher Notes are taken and information shared with all governors.
Date |
Attendance/Meeting |
Governors Present |
Governors Absent |
15th October 2019 |
Resource Committee Meeting |
Donal Townson, Nicola Duffy, Nina Peplow, Claire Higgins, Mandy Harris |
14th November 2019 |
Curriculum Committee Meeting |
Donal Townson, Lindsey Hamnett, Nina Peplow, Mandy Harris, Claire Sumner |
14th November 2019 |
Full Governors Meeting and Training from Global Policing (GDPR) |
Donal Townson, Lindsey Hamnett, Claire Higgins, Claire Sumner, Nicola Duffy, Nina Peplow, Danielle Emery, Mandy Harris |
Father Kinsella Deborah Singleton |
5th December 2019
Visioning Meeting guest facilitator Peter Eavers |
Donal Townson, Lindsey Hamnett, Claire Higgins, Claire Sumner, Nina Peplow, Mandy Harris, Lewis Turner Members of the school leadership team also attended: Louise Pountain, Danielle Knowles, Robert Tanti |
17th March 2020 |
Resources Committee Meeting |
Cancelled due to Covid |
2nd June 2020 |
Full governing Board Extraordinary Meeting - School Reopening |
Donal Townson, Claire Higgins, Nicola Duffy, Claire Sumner, Danielle Emery, Mandy Harris, Lewis Turner, Robert Tanti (Deputy), Louise Pountain (SBM) Fr Peter Kinsella | |
11th June 2020 |
Full Governing Board Extraordinary Meeting - School Reopening |
Donal Townson, Claire Higgins, Nicola Duffy, Claire Sumner, Danielle Emery, Mandy Harris, Lewis Turner, Robert Tanti (Deputy), Louise Pountain (SBM) | Fr Peter Kinsella |
25th June 2020 |
Full Governing Board Extraordinary Meeting - School Reopening |
Donal Townson, Claire Higgins, Nicola Duffy, Claire Sumner, Danielle Emery, Mandy Harris, Robert Tanti (Deputy), Louise Pountain (SBM) | Fr Peter Kinsella, Lewis Turner |
2nd July 2020 |
Full Governing Board Extraordinary Meeting - School Reopening |
Donal Townson, Claire Higgins, Nicola Duffy, Claire Sumner, Mandy Harris, Robert Tanti (Deputy), Louise Pountain (SBM) | Fr Peter Kinsella, Lewis Turner, Danielle Emery |
7th July 2020 |
Full Governing Board Curriculum & Well-being/Resources |
Nicola Duffy, Danielle Emery, Claire Higgins, Fr Peter Kinsella, Claire Sumner, Donal Townson, Lewis Turner, Mandy Harris Robert Tanti, Louise Pountain |
14th July 2020 |
Full Governing Board Extraordinary Meeting - school Reopening |
Donal Townson, Claire Higgins, Nicola Duffy, Claire Sumner, Mandy Harris, Robert Tanti (Deputy), Louise Pountain (SBM) | Fr Peter Kinsella, Lewis Turner |
Additional Meetings Attended by Claire Higgins:
Monday 30th September 2019 - Meeting with the Head Teacher and School Business Manager to discuss Pupil Premium
Wednesday 23rd October 2019 - LA Governor Training - Looked After Children
Friday 1st November 2019 Traficking, Exploitation and Modern Slavery
Thursday 7th November 2019 - LA Governor Training - Pupil Premium
Saturday 24th November 2019 - Salford Dioceses New Governor Induction Training
Tuesday 26th November 2019 - LA Governor Training - Health and Safety
Wednesday 12th December 2019 - Meeting with Site Manager to do a H&S site walk around and review the H&S processes (H&S audit)
Wednesday 15th January 2020 - Governor support at a football tournament at Manchester United
Tuesday 21st January 2020 - Meeting with the Headteacher for an update meeting covering SEN, safeguarding and pupil premium
Wednesday 22nd January 2020 - LA Governor Training - Finance
Thursday 30th January 2020 - completed an online NSPCC Child Protection for Governors training and I have signed up for the regular newsletters
Tuesday 4th February 2020 - completed an online fire marshall and fire warden training to support my role of H&S Governor to show compliance at the audit.
Wednesday 5th February - a full day in school to support the school with the H&S audit carried out by Tameside. I have followed this up with an action plan which Mark and I are working on.
Friday 6th March 2020 - LA Safeguarding trainee at Hyde Town Hall.
Additional Meetings and Visits Attended by Donal Townson:
Tuesday 24th September 2019 - Year 6 Worship
Tuesday 8th October 2019 - Year 4 Worship
Wednesday 6th November 2019 - Meeting with School Improvement Partner (SIP)
Monday 11th November 2019 - LA Training on Education Inspection Framework
Thursday 21st November 2019 - Meeting with History and Geography Coordinator for update
Tuesday 3rd December 2019 - Heads and Chairs Meeting with the Diocese
Friday 10th January 2020 - Visioning Working Party meeting with Head and Deputy
Tuesday 21st January 2020 - Supported Plog-ollution in the community
Jan 2020
Chairs' & Vice-Chairs Briefing LA
Children's Scrutiny Working Group
Attended Volunteer Reading Training with LA
Update meeting with HT and Vice-Chair
Feb 2020
Update meeting with HT & Vice-Chair
Governor training with The School Bus
March 2020
Children's Scrutiny Group
Governor training at Manchester University
Meetings and training cancelled due to Covid-19
June 2020
Covid-19 meeting
Additional Meetings and Visits Attended by Lindsey Hamnett:
Tuesday 14 January 2020 Meeting with PSHE lead Mrs Shaw
Tuesday 14th January 2020 Meeting with Mental health and well-being lead Mrs Shaw
Tuesday 14th January 2020 Meeting with Nursery teacher to discuss EYFS Mrs Shaw
Wednesday 22nd Jan 2020 Meeting with RE lead Mr Tanti
Additional Meetings and Visits Attended by Danielle Emery:
Wednesday 3rd April 2019 Trust Governor website training
Wednesday 22nd May 2019 SEND Training for Governors (Tameside)
Tuesday 25th June 2019 New Governor Training Module 1(Tameside)
Tuesday 2nd July 2019 New Governor Training module 2 (Tameside)
Tuesday 9th July 2019 New Governor Training Module 3(Tameside)
Monday 16th December 2019 Meeting with English and Computing Lead and walk round school
Additional Meetings and Visits Attended by Nicola Duffy
Diocese Training - L2 Accountability and Inspection 14/03/2020
Click here to access the Governance attendance records for 2018-2019