The functions of a Governing Body
At St John Fisher RC Primary School we are blessed with an extremely dedicated and talented Governing body who meet termly as a full Governing Body.
Within each of those meetings the Governors will address issues including: Personnel and Finance, Curriculum and Premises.
There are 3 core functions of the Governing Body.
These are to:
- ensure clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction;
- hold the headteacher to account for the educational performance of the School and its pupils, and for the internal organisation, management and control of the School, including performance management of staff; and
- oversee the financial performance of the School and making sure its money is well spent.
What is the role of a Governor?
School governors are often described as ‘unsung heroes’ and their work is largely hidden from view. The Governors at St John Fisher RC Primary School provide a vital leadership role to our school.
In Catholic schools, Foundation Governors (practising Catholics appointed by the Diocese) make up the majority of the Governing Body.
A foundation governor has the responsibility to preserve and develop the Catholic character of the school, but like all governors, also has to ensure high standards of educational achievement by the children.
We also have 2 elected Parent Governors, 1 elected Teacher Governor in addition to our Headteacher and 1 Local Authority Governor.
All schools require good governance and it is the role of the Governing Body to both support and challenge the school, in particular to ensure the headteacher is held accountable for the education provided. Being part of a Governing Body carries a great responsibility and can also be incredibly rewarding.
All Governing bodies are a corporate body with members of the team having a diverse range of skills and talents that support their role, but one common purpose: to provide the very best for our children in all they do.
Being a Governor is a rewarding “job” and it requires commitment, time and a sense of humour.
We are currently seeking nominations for parent governors. If you are interested then please contact school to speak to Mrs Harris or Mr Townson, our Chair of Governors and then further information is available here and then please complete this application form and return it to school.
If you wish to read more about Governance in a Catholic School please click on the following link.