PSHE Curriculum Statement
Why our PSHE curriculum looks like this:
St John Fisher R.C Primary School is committed to providing a P.S.H.E education that supports the growth and development of all our children to enable them to thrive in a modern society. We believe that P.S.H.E is an integral part of education and our school's core values of Love, Faith, Courage and Passion support this. These values are embedded into our curriculum and lived each day throughout our school.
Our school promotes a culture of positive reinforcements to support behaviour. Our P.S.H.E curriculum aligns with our school rules: ‘Be Ready, Be Respectful, Be Safe’. These rules are understood and embraced by our children; they are where our P.S.H.E journey begins.
The physical and emotional well-being of all our children is paramount. We commit ourselves, in partnership with parents, to provide our children with a P.S.H.E education that is compatible with the physical, cognitive, psychological, and spiritual maturity of each individual child; an education that is rooted in a Catholic vision of education together with the human person.
How PSHE is taught at St John Fisher R.C Primary School:
As a school, we follow the ‘Jigsaw’ scheme of work. The needs of our children are met with additional resources such as ‘Journey in Love’, ‘Rethink Periods’ and ‘Smokefree Gates’.
The knowledge and experience of our children is enhanced further through a plethora of additional opportunities, access to extra-curricular activities and the inclusion in an array of events throughout the year. This includes (but is not limited to) workshops, assemblies, after school clubs, guest speakers and school trips.
The P.S.H.E curriculum is split into 6 core units:
The viewpoints of our children are of the upmost importance to us and therefore, we have adopted a ‘no-marking’ policy within our P.S.H.E curriculum. This ensures that children’s feelings and emotions are respected and valued. This allows children to be expressive within their journals whilst understanding that these will always be viewed by teachers.
Our P.S.H.E lead works collaboratively with our Pastoral lead and other curriculum leads, such as those for Science, P.E, R.E and Computing, to ensure opportunities for cross curricular links are also optimised.
P.S.H.E is an important part of school assemblies and collective worship where children’s spiritual, moral, social and cultural curiosity is stimulated, challenged and nurtured.
The Jigsaw Resilience and Engagement Scale Toolkit is also used throughout the whole school to support our children. This involves children in Year 2-6 completing a self-assessment around their own resilience and wellbeing. Children in our Reception and Year 1 classes are teacher assessed. With parental consent, tailored support is then implemented each term for specific children. This involves our P.S.H.E lead and Pastoral leads working collaboratively to support these children.
What we hope to achieve:
In EYFS a floor book is used to record children’s responses to and progress in P.S.H.E sessions. These books are shared with the year 1 teacher as the children move into KS1. This supports transition and allows the next teacher to understand the children’s starting points.
In KS1 and KS2 the children are in the process of moving away from individual P.S.H.E folders to individual journals. Children will use the learning journals to record their responses in a more reflective/personal way.
The PSHE, Mental Health and Wellbeing Lead consistently monitors the provision of our curriculum by looking at samples of pupils’ work, obtaining pupil voice, conducting questionnaires, considering assessments across the year groups and discussions with parents, staff and governors.
Assessments are undertaken throughout the year, at the conclusion of each unit of work. Teachers used their knowledge of the individual child to make judgments. Assessment are monitored by our P.S.H.E lead and supported with teacher discussions.
By the time children leave St John Fisher R.C Primary School, we aim for them to have developed respect for the dignity of every human being, in their own person and in the person of others.
We aim to develop the following personal and social skills:
Curriculum Maps