

Music Curriculum Statement



The National Curriculum for music aims to ensure that all pupils:
• Perform, listen to, review and evaluate music
• Be taught to sing, create and compose music
• Understand and explore how music is created, produced and communicated.

At St John Fisher, the intention is that children gain a firm understanding of what music is through listening, singing, playing, evaluating, analysing, and composing across a wide variety of historical periods, styles, traditions, and musical genres. Our objective is to develop a curiosity for the subject, as well as an understanding and acceptance of the validity and importance of all types of music. We want all our pupils to experience a wide and varied music curriculum, which leaves them excitedly seeking further opportunities to continue their musical journey.




At St John Fisher RC Primary School all children will participate in quality music sessions across the year. The ‘Charanga Musical program’ offers progressive units of work with cross curricular- links which ensure our teachers and support staff can access it without a particular specialism, using modelling, visual aids and notation.

As a result of its implementation, we are fulfilling the ’Listening and Appraising’ and the ‘Performing’ aspects of The National Curriculum.

All music units are identified on each Year Group’s Long-Term and Medium-Term Plans. The Charanga Scheme of Work has clear sequences of lessons, lesson objectives and outlines, along with the resources needed to teach them; this will enable all members of staff (including non-specialists) to deliver well-planned quality lessons, with appropriate differentiation.

Weekly music lessons start in Nursery and Reception and focus on famous nursery rhymes, songs, percussion and pulse. Lessons continue throughout the school, building the children’s skills and musical knowledge.

Each week, the children participate in singing assemblies where they develop a range of voice and performance skills, learn hymns for Mass and collective Worship as well as a variety of other musical genres.

In Key Stage 2, the children learn notation, and will use the glockenspiels to aid their music learning and performance skills. The peripatetic Music teacher will provide Music tuition in guitar and violin as extra-curricular lessons.



There are many opportunities for our children to demonstrate the impact of the Music curriculum at St John Fisher RC Primary School. All year groups share their skills at different times in the school year whether it be providing demonstrations to parents/carers, to other year groups, creating videos or performing in church, Nativities, Class and School Worship, Mass, a local Christmas Markets Event, a Singing Square shared with our French penfriends when they visit and at the French Café.

The pupils in Years 4-6 take part in a large Young Voices concert each year at the Manchester Arena, where they have to perform songs from different eras in different styles and accompany solo and group singers.

NB There have been some restrictions to this programme due to Covid 19